Ramona Magazine, 2024

Dream collab!

Big sister Xani Kolac wrote a piece for the wonderful Ramona magazine about choosing not to pop out some kids. An often contentious path that sometimes makes you a walking ‘open for business’ sign when it comes to people sticking their nose in where it doesn’t fit.

The article talks of our incredible mum telling us if she had her time again, she would probs not have had us. Not us literally. Just not kids. She might have chosen time. For herself. Her own growth. Her dreams. Some respite for the planet, the climate. To go against societal expectations. Among a gazillion other reasons. But she also chose to have us kiddies. And love us to absolute pieces. For a number of equally justified reasons.

I might still be in my pondering era and who knows where that privilege may take me, but most importantly, in telling us this, Mum gifted us the freedom of choice. And that is a true privilege and a winning mum move in my opinion.